Bakewell Peace Vigil

Bakewell Peace Vigil

From early in our history, Quakers have taken a clear stand for peace and against military action. We affirm the value of all life and renounce violence.

Currently there are three major wars in the world – in Gaza, Sudan and Ukraine – and Bakewell Quakers are shocked and saddened by the vast suffering caused by them.

On March 24th we held a peace vigil by the pedestrian bridge in Bakewell to express our grief for the suffering and death caused by all wars and conflicts. We stood in silence for one hour, with posters inviting passers-by to entertain the idea that the world must find other ways to deal with conflict. We held many different signs, including
War is not the answer.
People need bread not bombs.
The world needs YOU to say no to war.
Speak peace not hate.

16 Quakers were present: this photo shows a few of them.

Photo credit: Tony Fisher